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Let’s jump in.
The Daily Rabbit Hole: Some have pinned most of the Watergate Scandal on group think.
“…it is suggested there was a ‘runaway norm,’ escalation and polarization with the norm being to exceed other members of the group in taking more extreme and unrestrained actions against an ‘enemy.’”
Have you ever wondered how long a city would stand if humans disappeared from it completely? Not just Chernobyl, but say the epicenter of finance? It turns out, 5 years after humans move out of Manhattan in New York City it would start to look like a forest, 15 years after that the skyscrapers start coming down, and 180 more years and the trees would have fully colonized.
From financial epicenter to a national park in 200 years.
Ruins of high-rises echo the love song of the frogs breeding in Manhattan’s reconstituted streams, now stocked with alewives and mussels dropped by seagulls. Herring and shad have returned to the Hudson, though they spent some generations adjusting to radioactivity trickling out of Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, 35 miles north of Times Square, after its reinforced concrete succumbed. Missing, however, are nearly all fauna adapted to us.
-Alan Weisman, The World Without Us
The ‘Wait, What?’ Vortex: Scientists in Antarctica developed a new accent over the winter, and a computer model predicted it.
“The individuals (in 2019) were found to develop the first stages of a common accent in Antarctica whose phonetic characteristics were in some respects predicted by the computational model”
You are or you aren’t
Ladies & Gentlemen,
I have done it.
I have found the exclusive screenshot that encapsulates the vastness of the Internet.
You’re welcome,